BAEKJOON Online Judge(BOJ) 문제입니다.
내가 작성한 코드
import sys
from collections import deque, defaultdict
read = sys.stdin.readline
dir = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]
l, r, f, b, t, bt = 'l', 'r', 'f', 'b', 't', 'bt'
def read_data():
N, M, K = map(int, read().rstrip().split())
board = []
for _ in range(N):
board.append(list(map(int, read().rstrip().split())))
return N, M, K, board
def in_range(x, y, N, M):
return 0 <= x < N and 0 <= y < M
def reverse_dir(d):
return (d + 2) % 4
def set_roll():
roll = defaultdict(int)
roll[t] = 1
roll[b] = 2
roll[r] = 3
roll[l] = 4
roll[f] = 5
roll[bt] = 6
return roll
def dice_rolling(roll, d):
if d == 0:
roll[r], roll[b], roll[bt], roll[t], roll[f], roll[l] = \
roll[t], roll[b], roll[r], roll[l], roll[f], roll[bt]
elif d == 1:
roll[t], roll[b], roll[r], roll[l], roll[f], roll[bt] = \
roll[b], roll[bt], roll[r], roll[l], roll[t], roll[f]
elif d == 2:
roll[t], roll[b], roll[r], roll[l], roll[f], roll[bt] = \
roll[r], roll[b], roll[bt], roll[t], roll[f], roll[l]
roll[t], roll[b], roll[r], roll[l], roll[f], roll[bt] = \
roll[f], roll[t], roll[r], roll[l], roll[bt], roll[b]
def get_score(board, x, y, N, M):
C = 0
B = board[x][y]
visited = defaultdict(bool)
visited[(x, y)] = True
q = deque([(x, y)])
while q:
r, c = q.popleft()
C += 1
for d_r, d_c in dir:
nw_r, nw_c = r + d_r, c + d_c
if in_range(nw_r, nw_c, N, M) and board[nw_r][nw_c] == B and not visited[(nw_r, nw_c)]:
visited[(nw_r, nw_c)] = True
q.append((nw_r, nw_c))
return B * C
def rolling(x, y, d, N, M, roll, board):
# 좌표
nw_x, nw_y = x+dir[d][0], y+dir[d][1]
if not in_range(nw_x, nw_y, N, M):
d = reverse_dir(d)
nw_x, nw_y = x+dir[d][0], y+dir[d][1]
# 주사위
dice_rolling(roll, d)
# 점수
score = get_score(board, nw_x, nw_y, N, M)
# 방향
if roll[bt] > board[nw_x][nw_y]:
d = (d+1) % 4
elif roll[bt] < board[nw_x][nw_y]:
d = d-1 if d > 0 else 3
return nw_x, nw_y, d, score
def get_answer(N, M, K, board):
roll = set_roll()
x, y, d, score = 0, 0, 0, 0
for _ in range(K):
nw_x, nw_y, nw_d, nw_score = rolling(x, y, d, N, M, roll, board)
x, y, d = nw_x, nw_y, nw_d
score += nw_score
return score
N, M, K, board = read_data()
print(get_answer(N, M, K, board))
- dictionary를 이용한 주사위 굴리기
- 인덱스가 아닌 dictionary로 주사위가 굴러 바뀌는 값을 더 쉽게 구현
다른 사람이 작성한 코드
- 강한 구현 문제로 다른 코드를 참고하지 않음
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